Quiz: Which Natural Deodorant Is Right for You?

Can't seem to find the right natural deodorant? Take this quiz to find your perfect match.
Want a natural deodorant that fits your lifestyle? We’ve already done the leg — er, armpit — work for you.
1. Are you on a budget?
a) Yes, I need something cheap and easy.
b) No, I’ll drop a little dough on the right product.
c) Cheap or luxe, I don’t care as long as it works.
2. Do you like fragrance?
a) Yes, I love smelling like a flower.
b) No, it offends my senses.
c) Yes, as long as it’s an all-natural fragrance.
3. Are you sensitive to baking soda?
a) Yes, it burns.
b) No, I’ve never had a problem.
c) I could go with or without it.
4. What kind of package do you prefer?
a) Have you seen my schedule? I need the convenience of a stick. (Is your on-the-go lifestyle wearing you down? Here are 4 happiness hacks to do on your morning commute.)
b) No, I’m crunchy and I don’t mind a tub.
c) I don’t care as long as it’s environmentally friendly.
If you answered mostly As
This aluminum-free formula is an easy swap: The price is right, it smells great and it comes in a stick format. It’s also free of baking soda and essential oils, which can be irritating to skin.
Try: Secret Aluminum Free Deodorant, $8; available at mass retailers
If you answered mostly Bs
This fragrance-free formula is clinically proven to provide all-day odour protection. It has a baking soda and cornstarch base to neutralize odours, while aloe and vitamin E soothe sensitive skin.
Try: Live Clean Fragrance-Free Deodorant, $8; available at mass retailers
If you answered mostly Cs
Baking soda–free, check. Stick, check. Smells great, check. This all-natural formula even comes in a biodegradable package (seriously, toss it in your green bin afterwards).
Try: Meow Meow Tweet Baking Soda Free Deodorant Stick in Grapefruit, $21; available at thedetoxcmarket.ca
Next, find out which natural deodorants passed our sweat test.