Meatless Monday: Grilled Salmon on Salad
I was on Breakfast Television this morning in Toronto talking about Dynamic Food Duos’foods that when paired up are even

I was on Breakfast Television this morning in Toronto talking about Dynamic Food Duos’foods that when paired up are even healthier than they are by themselves. (Some examples: yogurt and bananas; apples and raspberries, kidney beans and tomatoes. Find the full list in the Summer 2010 issue.) Talking about those foods this morning gave me the idea for what to make tonight for dinner, seeing that it’s Meatless Monday: salmon. But I’m going to make sure I accompany my meal with a glass of wine’red or white’because having wine with fish helps your body to better absorb the healthy omega-3 fatty acids in fish.
So here’s a super-simple, healthy supper idea: a tossed salad, topped with grilled salmon. What a nutritious, delicious meal this is. And for this particular Meatless Monday post, I don’t even need to give you a recipe. Just make your favourite leafy green salad, including whatever fresh vegetables you have in the fridge, add a balsamic-olive oil dressing, and top it with warm salmon right off the grill. Oh, and a glass of pinot grigio‘for health reasons, of course. (Browse our search our healthy recipes for more meatless ideas.)
‘ Oh-mega!
‘ Why you should eat more fish
‘ Our best healthy salmon recipes