Meatless Monday: Goat’s Cheese & Tomato Salad
Well, you might not consider this to be a full meal, but trust me, if you sit down with a

Well, you might not consider this to be a full meal, but trust me, if you sit down with a plate of this and a baguette you will be entirely satisfied, AND blissed out. There’s not really a "recipe," just a great combination of fresh ingredients that truly takes less than five minutes to prepare. Here’s how:
Slice a few room-temperature tomatoes (I used both yellow and red tomatoes from my garden) and place them on a platter. Toss on some slices of goat’s cheese, a handful of fresh basil, and blackberries. Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil, and add sea salt, if desired, and pepper. Serve it right away, and sop up the juices’which ooze out of the tomatoes and combine with the olive oil in a most delicious way’with pieces of multigrain baguette.
Like I said, you may go into this intending it to be a side-dish or salad, but when I made it, it took just one bite before it became the main meal!
What’s your favourite Meatless Monday recipe? Feel free to share in the comments below!
‘ Meatless Monday: Rigatoni Napolitana
‘ What to do with green tomatoes
‘ 5 reasons to eat more tomatoes