Meatless Monday: Garden Bean & Basil Salad
You gotta love beans! Especially when they are so plentiful right now. A good way to use them up is

You gotta love beans! Especially when they are so plentiful right now. A good way to use them up is to make a bean salad in a large bowl and portion it out for lunches all week, along with some crispbread (I love Finncrisp rye). That’s what I did this morning’easy, cheap, delicious and nutritious. My recipe is to blend together the following:
‘ 2 large handfuls runner beans (I used yellow from our the backyard). Par-boil them, cool, then chop into 2-cm pieces
‘ 1 can baby fava beans, rinsed (these are a great source of iron and have a rich taste).
‘ 2 tomatoes, diced
‘ Handful of basil leaves (again from my backyard; this year we grew Thai basil).
‘ Juice of one lemon or lime
‘ One garlic clove, crushed
‘ Splash of olive oil
‘ Salt & pepper to taste
What’s your favourite bean salad recipe?
‘ 6 reasons to eat more beans and lentils
‘ 10 tasty ways to prepare beans and lentils
‘ Our best healthy bean and lentil recipes