It’s strawberry season!
This is the time when I’ve pretty much had enough of the early summer asparagus’I really like it, but it

This is the time when I’ve pretty much had enough of the early summer asparagus’I really like it, but it seems we include it with just about every supper. But strawberries? I’ll never get tired of those.
Last year I planted one’just one’strawberry plant in our small backyard garden, which cost all of $2 at the local garden centre, and pretty much left it to its own devices. It was late in the season when I did that, and it produced all of 2 berries. When fall came, I covered it in autumn leaves to try to protect it a bit over winter.
I don’t know whether what I did was what an actual gardener would recommend, but it seemed to work, because that one strawberry plant has multiplied.
I’ve kept the plants trimmed back because they’re pretty invasive, but I’ve made sure we still have enough to give us a big bowlful a day of my favourite berry. It’s so easy to keep up with the picking of such a sweet, low-calorie treat: my husband and I are enjoying them on cereal in the mornings, I’m bringing homemade strawberry smoothies in a Thermos to work, and I add them to fresh arugula salads with each dinner. (I’ve also learned how prolific arugula can be’another bit of unintentional gardening on my part!)
We don’t have so many that I can actually make a batch of jam, though, so I bought a few quarts of local strawberries at a farmer’s market on the weekend, and this week I’ll be jam-making. I’ve made other types of jam before but never strawberry, and I’ve heard freezer jam is the way to go with this fruit’anyone have any tips for me?
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