‘It works for me:” New Best Health Q&A Series!
Toronto-based actress Carrie-Lynn Neales isn’t just the star of the new City comedy series Seed‘she’s also a yoga instructor, cake-lover

Toronto-based actress Carrie-Lynn Neales isn’t just the star of the new City comedy series Seed‘she’s also a yoga instructor, cake-lover and self-professed hopeless romantic. Learn a little more about her in this first installment of our new blog series, ‘It works for me.’
10 words that describe you: Sensitive, witty, analytical, hot-tempered, shy, insecure, protective, private, nurturing, romantic.
First paid acting job: Juliet in Romeo and Juliet for The Classical Theatre Project. I was 23. We performed at Hart House Theatre in T.O. and at Carlton University in Ottawa.
Ideal acting job: Being on a hit comedy TV show with incredible people who challenge me daily. Oh wait! That’s the job I’ve got! I’m pretty blessed.
Favourite yoga pose: Tadasana (mountain pose)
Least favourite yoga pose: Virbhadrasana II (or Warrior II)
Diet: Veggie; no dairy or gluten.
Go-to healthy snack: Kale chips and almonds; carrots and hummus; or spinach with a squeeze of lemon.
Favourite food indulgence: Cake! …Or cinnamon buns. Anything gooey.
Red or white wine? Both. White lately.
Indoor or outdoor workouts? Outdoors whenever possible.
Morning or evening workouts? Morning
Celeb crush: Ryan Gosling. And Patrick Swayze circa Dirty Dancing
Healthy living philosophy: What works for you? Sleep, water, yoga, and knowing and listening to my body. Working with my body to make sure it’s running at optimal levels all the time (which sometimes means eating that cake)!
(Seed airs at 8:30 PM EST on City)