“It works for me!” – Jon Montgomery
He’s an Olympic gold medallist (winning men’s skeleton at the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics) but after he didn’t make it

He’s an Olympic gold medallist (winning men’s skeleton at the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics) but after he didn’t make it to Sochi, Jon Montgomery is ending his skeleton career.
"I’m all done. Time to move on with my health intact and no major brain damage. I need to make smart choices for my family and that means stepping away before I’m forced out with health and head problems."
Learn what the future holds for him in this instalment of "It works for me."
10 words that describe you: Tenacious, determined, fun-loving, gregarious, generous, kind, funny, hungry, well-sighted, well-dressed, grateful.
First paid job: Shovelling snow and cutting grass for neighbours. Collecting beer bottles and returning them for cash.
Dream job: I am doing it. Being an athlete, and reaching out to communities, schools and individuals.
Where you see yourself in five years: I see myself continuing to be happy. Building a family. My wife and I already have a dumb dog by the name of Stark (named for the Stark family in TV series Game of Thrones).
Most memorable moment: My wedding day was memorable. So were the early moments of dating my wife; moments in which I thought this is different – I can actually see myself with this person long-term. The olympics were also very memorable.
Favourite sport (other than skeleton): I still identify myself as a hockey player for some reason. I played for 15 years.
Favourite sport to watch: Golf – they do it much better than I do.
Your theme song: Chantilly Lace. I know all the lyrics.
What’s the story behind your tattoo? I was a tenacious kid. I didn’t let things go that were of interest with me – and getting a tattoo was one of those things. My mom came with me. We had to drive 3.5 hours to go to Calgary. I got a maple leaf over my heart. She got a tattoo of a butterfly (that she has since had covered with another, nicer butterfly).
What’s your favourite thing about your mom? Unconditional support and love – from my mom and my dad, and my whole family. I get the same support from my wife. When I did fall short, they were there to pick me back up. P&G shows these commercials of young athletes falling down. Regardless of the outcome, the mothers are always there to pick us up when we fall short.
Go-to healthy snack: Dehydrated fruit and meat. We just got a dehydrator.
Favourite food indulgences: I like Ruffles all dressed chips.
Wine or beer? Beer.
Coffee or tea? Both sparingly. But coffee because it gives me a little buzz. Tea is more of a nighttime drink.
Indoor or outdoor workouts? Outdoors when it’s nice.
Morning or evening workouts? I get to the gym in the evening. It’s easier than dragging myself out of bed. I hate getting out of bed.
Dream travel destination: Fiji and Bali. I love the look of those huts that go out into the water with glass floors.
Healthy living philosophy: Balance. All things in moderation. Life’s too short to not enjoy a glass of wine, chocolate and a good meal. It’s important to eat real whole foods – but also not to deny yourself the good things in life.
-Katharine Watts, associate web editor