How well do you know your city?
I’ve recently become acquainted with the website, which lets you rate and review all the amenities your city has

I’ve recently become acquainted with the website, which lets you rate and review all the amenities your city has to offer, from restaurants and grocery stores to gyms, parks, even local clinics. It’s a very cool concept and I’ve also signed on to be a Fit & Healthy expert in Toronto‘so far I’ve reviewed a few yoga studios, a climbing gym, my ballet school and my local food co-op. It’s lots of fun and I’m learning about great places in the city as well’I’ve bookmarked this list of top places to buy dresses in Toronto as some of my friends and I are in the market for bridesmaid dresses (the nice kind!).
But you don’t have to be an "expert" to be part of it, and you don’t have to be in Toronto. While the site started in T.O., it’s expanding across the country‘so far, they also cover Greater Vancouver, the Montreal area and more of southern Ontario, and they do have plans to push further as the site grows.
Think you know your city’s best spots? You can sign up and start reviewing right away (they even let you use your Facebook account to log in). Make sure to join the Fit & Healthy group, and if you follow my reviews, I’ll follow yours back. And, of course, if you’re looking for a new place to shop or eat in your city, you’ll find lots of suggestions, too.
Plus, do you know a healthy restaurant you think we should feature in the magazine or on the website? Let us know‘it could become one of Canada’s Healthiest Restaurants!
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