Have you tried any of Canada’s best powder rooms?
It’s kind of a funny concept, but when you really gotta go, it’s the most important thing in the world.

It’s kind of a funny concept, but when you really gotta go, it’s the most important thing in the world. Finding a public washroom that’s clean is often a big enough challenge, but one you’d vote for as one of Canada’s best? That’s a secret no woman should keep.
The Powder Room is an online community to help people suffering from overactive bladder, and one of their programs is a ranking of Canadian powder rooms. Readers can nominate and vote for their favourite public washrooms, and every year one top powder room per province and territory (except Nunavut’so far) gets the honour of being one of Canada’s best.
Click through to check out the 2009 winners, and tell us’have you visited any of these? What do you think? How important is a nice washroom to you?
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