Fitness: Your weekend Tabata workout
This past Thursday marked week 10 of the Nike Training Club workouts that myself and associate beauty & fashion editor

This past Thursday marked week 10 of the Nike Training Club workouts that myself and associate beauty & fashion editor Jen Masseau have been going to. Along the way we’ve learned some cool exercises from Nike Master Trainer (and Best Health fitness model) Eva Redpath. This week Eva put us through a Tabata workout. Tabata is a type of high-intensity interval training that consists of 20 seconds of work, followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated eight times (four minutes in total). By the eighth set you should feel like you can’t possibly do another, Eva told us.
Here’s the workout we did, which should take you about 40 minutes. All you need is a stop watch.
Warm up with jumping jacks and running on the spot.
Side Shuffle Lunge Front: 20 seconds
Begin in an athletic stance, knees bent, hips back, perform 2 shuffles towards one side and then step 1 foot in front of the other into a lunge position, stepping back. Perform 2 shuffles back towards the other side and repeat.
Rest: 10 seconds
Push Up Jumping Jack: 20 seconds
Beginning in a push-up position drop down into a push-up as you jump your feet apart and then press back up into the start position as you jump your feet together.
Rest: 10 seconds
Alternating Long Legs With Rotation: 20 seconds
Lie on your back with your fingertips behind your ears. Bring your straight legs up in the air until they point to the ceiling. Bring your shoulder blades slightly off the floor. Rotate so that you bring your left elbow towards your right leg, while at the same time lowering your left leg towards the floor. Return to the start position and repeat on the other side.
Rest: 10 seconds
Squat Jump Plyo: 20 seconds
Begin with the feet hip width apart. Squat down, pressing your hips back and down and keeping your feet flat on the floor and bringing the arms up in front of you. Jump as high as you can, then land softly and repeat.
Rest: 10 seconds
Tricep Push Up Hand Pull: 20 seconds
Begin in a push-up position, lower your body into a push-up and come back up to the start position pull one hand a few inches off the floor. Repeat on the other side.
Rest: 10 seconds
Walk Out Swivel: 20 seconds
Start standing, bend forward put your palms flat on the floor. Walk your hands forward until you are in a push-up position. Next rotate your hips and bring your right knee towards your left elbow. Return to the push-up position, then repeat on the other side. Walk your hands back towards your feet to return to the start position.
Rest: 10 seconds
Finish with one minute of burps for a final blast of cardio.
Want to try some more NTC workouts? Get the NTC app (it’s free!). Here are two of the app workouts Eva has given us for homework:
Super Fusion
Get Toned > Advanced
Total Impact
Get Toned > Advanced
Try the workouts at home and follow @besthealthmag and @EvaRedpath on Twitter for more training tips.
‘ Can you get fit quick?
‘ 4 great apps for interval training
‘ How to be your own gym