Events: What’s happening this week
Here are four ways to celebrate the Earth, plant a tree, take a free yoga class and get a great

Here are four ways to celebrate the Earth, plant a tree, take a free yoga class and get a great spa deal.
April 22
We’ve only got one, so take care of it. While we should be doing our part every day to reduce our impact on the environment, Earth Day is a good reminder: “More than 6 million Canadians join 1 billion people in over 170 countries in staging events and projects to address local environmental issues.’ For events in your area, go to
April 1 until 10,000 trees are dedicated
Across Canada
Speaking of improving the world we live in, why not plant a tree? But before you grab your manicure-protective gardening gloves, I have an easier way. With just a click of the mouse you can get a tree planted and donate it to anyone you want. Go to 3M and Post-it Notes have partnered with Tree Canada to plant 10,000 trees throughout the country. (Heck I was thinking of donating one to myself…)
Update: I just got a teeny tree in the mail from Jamieson. To participate in their tree-planting efforts, go to
Invest in some "me time."
April 21 to 30
When it comes to taking care of your body, you can find every excuse in the book not to book that massage or not to head to the gym on the way home. But here are two events worth indulging in.
Yoga Tree is launching its new yoga facility at 140 Spadina Ave. on April 21 with free drop in yoga classes between 5 pm and 8 pm, and Lululemon fashion shows. Donations will also be collected for the Canadian Red Cross for its work in Japan. And just in time for Earth Day, the new facility was built with cork flooring, non-toxic paints, energy-efficient lighting, low-flow shower heads and reclaimed wood furnishings.
But with the "Spaluscious on The Eglinton Way," you can choose to hip up 28 spas, salons and fitness studios. From April 26 through to the 30th, they are offering special promotions, open houses, speakers and gift bags. For more info, go to
So what are you up to? Got any cool events I can spread the word about? Email me at [email protected].
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