Events: Have a laugh, it’s good for you
Did you hear the one about how laughing is good for your health? No, joke. Typically the events listing blog

Did you hear the one about how laughing is good for your health? No, joke.
Typically the events listing blog I write outlines three fun and healthy things to do. But today I came across two funny events. But now as the days are getting shorter, and the weather getting crappier, I couldn’t help but wish for more of these. They are both in Ontario, so if you know of any more, please post below or email me.
Here are my suggestions to take some time out of your busy schedule and have a good laugh.
December 2, Toronto
According to yoga instructor Wendy Woods, 20 seconds of hearty laughter is equivalent to three minutes of intense rowing. On the first Thursday of each month she leads a Laughter Yoga Class from 7 to 8:30 pm at Watershed Training Solutions. Wear comfortable clothing, bring a yoga mat, a towel and a $5 donation(or more if you’re in the giving holiday spirit). For more info email Wendy.
December 2, London
If you work in the health care industry Dr. Steven Sultanoff is promising to lead an entertaining workshop on humour in clinical practice, by demonstrating with anecdotes, jokes, cartoons, videos and clinical illustrations. The workshop takes place at the Marconi Club and costs $165, but there are group rates available. To register, go to the SOS Workshops website.
Need a good laugh? Check out the Reader’s Digest Laugh With Us page.
Related articles:
‘ Laugh your way to better health
‘ 10 ways laughter is good for your health