Do you know who you are?

Who am I now? That has been an ongoing question in my brain. Who am I now? What is going

Who am I now?

That has been an ongoing question in my brain. Who am I now? What is going to happen now? What do I want out of life now? How much time do I really have now? How do I plan to live now?

The way I used to see the world and the way I used to live in it has changed for me. It’s kind of hard to explain, you see life unfolding around you but the way you perceive it, interact with it, and relate to the events are so different from the way you used to. It’s hard for family and friends to understand that, as you “look” like the person they knew. They can’t “see” these profound changes within you.

I have this ongoing chatter in my head… what’s the most important thing you need to learn “today”? How’s that going to happen? What actions will you take? And so on…

I feel a little bit like a preschooler asking myself all these questions that I don’t have the answers to. Right now I am a “seeker of life.” I am looking to make the best choices for me. I am seeking a better me, a better quality of life, better relationships with others, etc.

I know that this is a significant period of change for me, because I am questioning so many things that surround me.

Hmm… Let me ask you, what can you live with in your life? What do you need to enhance? What do you need to let go of? So many questions… so many questions.

Ah… the new recumbent bike arrived last night … love it! It’s quiet as a whisper, comfy and an excellent workout. The best part is you can watch TV without having to turn up the volume (unlike the treadmill).

Life is good,

Jordan is a Best Health reader and guest blogger. Find links to all of her posts on the Breast Cancer Blog home page.

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