Debate: Do you hate your women friends when they lose weight?
I often hear about the benefits of having a fitness buddy or working out with a friend. Having someone to

I often hear about the benefits of having a fitness buddy or working out with a friend. Having someone to share your fitness plan with offers that extra bit of motivation and accountability. But new research from a study conducted at the University of Liverpool found that women actually scorn another woman’s weight loss because they then view the newly slender woman as competition.
In the study, researchers showed more than 200 people a photo of a slim woman, accompanied by a short biography. In some cases it stated she had always been a healthy weight, while in others she was said to have previously weighed more than 200 pounds. Participants were asked to give their opinion of the woman, called Jane, based on the photo and information provided. The women who were told Jane had previously been overweight marked her lower on self-discipline, friendliness and personal hygiene.
According to the researchers who conducted the study, women often look for reasons to dislike another woman they view as competition. The fact that a woman used to be fat offers an excuse to look down on her, the Daily Mail reported.
With shows such as The Biggest Loser and Shedding for the Wedding, it’s clear we like to follow people on their weight-loss journies. And group fitness classes, boot camps and community weight-loss programs continue to attract participants. But what happens when one workout buddy reaches their goal weight before the other? Are you jealous when friends are successful in their weight loss?
‘ How friends can help you lose weight
‘ Discussion: Is fat discrimination part of our culture?
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