Cutting back, elegantly
I’ve got some serious roots happening right now. In an attempt at fiscal restraint, I’ve pushed my hair colour and

I’ve got some serious roots happening right now. In an attempt at fiscal restraint, I’ve pushed my hair colour and cut appointment way past its due date (shoutout to hairdresser’I am not cheating on you, and see you soon!). I’m not under any delusion that I’m rocking this look. They are just grey roots, but because of my blond highlights I’m thinking that they kind of blend.
I’ve also taken a break from professional blow-dries and just letting my hair dry naturally as I don’t blow-dry my own hair (can’t do it, won’t do it). Getting me through all this are a couple of saviour products, John Frieda Root Awakening conditioner and Moroccan Oil Treatment, a super-emollient with argan oil that sends any frizz packing.
I’ve also taken a break from manicures, the better to garden with. And I’m shopping in my own closet (something that the fashion press has curiously recently discovered like anthropologists stumbling on some rare fossil ‘eureka!). I figure that all this will have its comeuppance and that I won’t be able to take it anymore and will run crazed through a mall and buy something unneeded and not practical. But until then….are you cutting back, and how?
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