Catch Us At The Delicious Food Show This Weekend!
Chef and teacher Paul Finkelstein (pictured), a regular contributor to Best Health, will team up with me to do a

Chef and teacher Paul Finkelstein (pictured), a regular contributor to Best Health, will team up with me to do a demonstration of two "Dynamic Duo" dishes at this weekend’s Delicious Food Show. The show, sponsored by The Food Network, will feature all the big names in food, including Martha Stewart, Chuck Hughes, Lynn Crawford, Mark McEwan, Michael Smith and many more.
Paul and I will be demonstrating a Kale & Walnut Salad. What’s so special about this salad? Nutrients in the kale and the walnuts work dynamically together to boost eyesight. And there’s also grapefruit and chicken in this dish, which when paired can give you more energy.
We’ll also be making a Pasta, Black Bean and Salmon Salad. Together, pasta and the vinegar in the dressing combine to help keep you feeling full’and maybe lose a few pounds. And the beans and tomatoes that are in the salad work dynamically together to boost your iron, which is good for brain and muscle function. The salmon offers an omega-3 bonus.
Hope to see you at the show!
‘Bonnie Munday, Editor-in-Chief, Best Health
‘ Dynamic duos: Foods that are better together
‘ 10 food pairs to supercharge your diet
‘ 4 healthy superfood pairs