Why You’re Bloated Right Now and How to Beat It

With all the craziness of recent months, you may have found yourself bloated and puffy. Here's why stress can really affect you this way.
People everywhere have been experiencing intense stress and anxiety these past months, and stress definitely wreaks havoc on both mind and body. The nervous and digestive systems are in constant communiÂcation, thus syncing your brain and your GI tract. Stress and anxiÂety trigger thoughts and emotions, which then affect your entire gut — triggering stomach discomfort, including bloating. Some good news? There’s help! Follow these tips to help beat bloating, in all seasons of life!
Drink Water
Staying hydrated is vital for your health and well-being. (Here are the signs you’re dehydrated.) Our digesÂtive system depends on water to function properly. It’s especially important to drink enough water if you are increasing your fibre intake—both of which we highly recommend!
Get Moving
Becoming more physically active can get your bowels moving, which helps your body eliminate stools and release built-up gas. Aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activÂity five times a week. Even a quick walk outside can help relieve painÂful gas and bloating.
Limit Sodium
Eating high-sodium foods triggers water retention, which can cause bloating. Limit or avoid adding salt during cooking, limit your intake of processed and packaged foods, curb salty snacks and fast foods, keep the salt shaker off the table and choose “low-sodium” and “sodium-free” foods at the grocery store.
Up Your Fibre Intake
Many of us experience constipaÂtion (fewer than three bowel moveÂments a week) at some point in our lives. Constipation and slow-movÂing stools through the large bowel can increase intestinal gas and result in bloating, pain and disÂcomfort. Try increasing your fibre slowly at first, aiming for 25 grams daily for women and 38 grams daily for men. Again, the key is to gradually increase your intake of fibre, especially soluble fibre. Spread out your fibre portions throughout the day to help your body adjust, starting with two or three grams of fibre per meal. Fibre also feeds your “good” gut bacteria (called probiotics), which is key for a healthy gut. Chia seeds, citrus fruits, figs, flaxseed, oats and psyllium are great sources of soluble fibre. Other high-fibre sources that can help banish bloatÂing include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds.
Foods that Fight the Bloat
1. Asparagus
This anti-bloating superfood makes you pee, which, in turn, flushes out all that excess water to relieve disÂcomfort and bloating. Asparagus contains prebiotics, which support probiotic growth in the gut. This can help maintain a healthy balance in your gut microbiome, which is very important for preventing and reducing gas. Also, this vegetable helps promote overall digestive health because it contains both soluble and insoluble fibre. (Try our Asparagus Mimosa Salad.)
2. Bananas
Rich in potassium, bananas (and other potassium-rich foods like avocados, kiwi fruit, oranges and pistachios) regulate sodium levels in your body and reduce saltÂinduced bloating by preventing water retention. Also rich in soluÂble fibre, bananas can relieve and prevent constipation.
3. Cucumbers
Cucumbers contain quercetin, a flavonoid antioxidant that helps reduce swelling. In addition, they inhibit the activity of pro-inflamÂmatory enzymes. Enjoy them daily, freshly sliced, or sip on a glass of cucumber water.
4. Fennel Seeds
These amazing little seeds contain a compound that relaxes gastroinÂtestinal spasms and relieves bloatÂing by allowing the body to pass gas. Chew on fennel seeds directly, sip on fennel tea after a meal or enjoy baked goods and meat dishes with fennel in them.
5. Ginger
This root contains zingibain, a digestive enzyme that helps your body break down protein and allows the food you eat to pass more easily through your gut. This helps reduce gas, bloating and conÂstipation. If you’re already feeling puffy, sip a cup of homemade ginÂger tea (steep a few slices of ginger in a mug of hot water for five to 10 minutes) and enjoy the benefits.
6. Papayas
Digestion is made easier by papain, an enzyme found in papayas that helps your digestive tract break down protein. Papayas (and other tropical fruits) also contain fibre and have anti-inflammatory propÂerties — both of which are essential to support a strong digestive tract. (Here are other anti-inflammatory foods.)
7. Yogurt with probiotics
Probiotics help regulate digestion and are key for the overall health of your digestive tract and microÂbiome. Enjoy a variety of probiotic yogurts that contain active culÂtures or take probiotics in suppleÂment form – either way, you’ll help your body beat the bloat.
Rebecca and Reisha Harper are twin sisters and registered dietitians with a special focus on nutrition for health, beauty and aging well.
Now that you’ve learned how to beat bloating, learn how to be healthy without dieting, according to the Reisha twins.