Back-to-school: Ease up on backpack weight
Lugging around heavy books and binders can lead to poor posture, not to mention injury to the back, neck and

Lugging around heavy books and binders can lead to poor posture, not to mention injury to the back, neck and shoulders. The Canadian Chiropractic Association recommends ensuring backpacks weigh less than 15 percent of the carrier’s body weight (10 percent for preteens), and ensuring weight is evenly distributed. So, if you are 150 lb., the backpack should weigh a maximum of 23 pounds
Got a back-to-schooler at home? Wilson Jones Backpack Binders (shown here, below and above) are up to 65 percent lighter than standard one-inch binders, according to Acco Brands Canada (Costco; $13/6-pack)
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