Motorcyclists tour U.S. and Canada for cancer prevention
The Answer for Cancer team will ride into Toronto, Ont. this weekend before completing the last leg of their 30,000

The Answer for Cancer team will ride into Toronto, Ont. this weekend before completing the last leg of their 30,000 kilometre cross-continent motorcycle tour.
The tour began June 10, as a way to raise awareness and donations for cancer prevention.
“We really need to focus on prevention [as a way to fight cancer],” naturopathic doctor and yoga teacher, Christina Tondora told “Health really starts for each and every individual with living consciously’thinking about the things we eat, the chemicals we put on our skin and what kind of environment we live in.”
After their stop in Toronto, the team will continue heading west and have just under two weeks left in the 65-day tour.
"There are days when it’s been tough keeping up with the schedule, but meeting people along the way and talking with them and hearing their stories is what keeps us going," says Tondori.
“It’s about the little things people can do in their daily lives to reduce their risk for cancer, such as eliminating sugars and refined foods," she says. "I tell my patients to stick to the outside perimeter of the grocery store because it’s the middle aisles where you’ll find a lot of the refined foods.”
At the completion of the tour, team members Jason Bosa, Lori Bryan, Christina Tondora and Del Ferguson will have travelled through 48 states and 10 provinces.
To date, the tour has raised nearly $400,000. Proceeds go to support Canada’s Prevent Cancer Now and the U.S. Breast Cancer Fund.
Follow the ACT 2011 team on their journey, and see what you can do to help prevent cancer.
‘ 10 ways to cut your cancer risk
‘ The foods to eat for a healthy gut
‘ Prevent cancer with good nutrition