A soap that saves the rainforest
Palm oil is a really handy ingredient, used in multiple applications including cosmetics and foods. Unfortunately, the global growth in

Palm oil is a really handy ingredient, used in multiple applications including cosmetics and foods. Unfortunately, the global growth in demand for palm oil’partly due to the backlash against trans fats, which is translating into increased use of palm oil’means a lot of rainforest is being destroyed for palm oil plantations, especially in Indonesia. (There was a great article in The Walrus about palm oil last year, and you can read it on their site if you want to learn more about the issue.)
Lush is treating this as a big issue, and has been working for years to develop a replacement for palm oil in their soaps. And they recently announced big news: all of Lush’s soaps are now palm-free.
In addition, they’ve launched a super cute limited-edition soap to raise funds for the Rainforest Foundation, which works with tribes to help keep their lands free of palm oil plantations. All the sales from the Jungle Soap (pictured, $5.95) will go to the Rainforest Foundation.
Find out more at lush.com.
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