A new beauty treatment…for your arm pits
The antiperspirant market is hopping these days with new scents and more effective formulas. And with that, comes more focus

The antiperspirant market is hopping these days with new scents and more effective formulas. And with that, comes more focus than ever on the humble armpit. It’s an ignored body part. But now, the good folks at Dove have come up with a way for us to pamper and take care of it.
Dove recommends occasionally paying attention to this often neglected area and to give it a "Piticure." And that an essential part of the piticure is its Ultimate Visibly Smooth antiperspirant ($5). Then, you can "show off" your underarms. (Do tell!)
Before you think–what? another body part to manage? consider that a little TLC makes sense. Think of the times when a rough material and your pit make contact and how uncomfortable that can be. Or if, too neglected, you can get folliculitis/ingrown hair. A little gentle exfoliation helps. You may be in advertently doing the right thing already, if you use a nylon shower puff.
Here’s the Dove Piticure for keeping this area smooth and comfy:
"Use a gentle exfoliating scrub or wipe to cleanse underarms and help remove dead skin. Rinse. Pat dry with a towel. Apply antiperspirant."
As for Ultimate Visibly Smooth (in Wild Rose and Nature Fresh scents), it’s designed to enhance the moisture and condition of the underarm hair and skin (it contains 1/4 Translucent Moisturizer). Dove says underarm hair will look and feel less noticeable with continous use over time ‘in other words, you’ll feel stubble-free longer’thanks to Pro-Epil complex and a naturally-sourced extract. It provides 24-hour odour and wetness protection, and won’t leave marks on your clothes either.
That’s nothing to sniff at.
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