7 ways to boost your sex life this weekend
In the current issue, there’s a long list of Editor’s Picks books that should help to improve your sex life.

In the current issue, there’s a long list of Editor’s Picks books that should help to improve your sex life. But I’ve compiled a few flirty tips from Tracey Cox‘s Super Hot Sex Deck (DK Publishing), a box of 52 instructional cards, to inspire some ‘physical’ activity this weekend.
1. ‘Kissing your partner for just 20 seconds every day could mean the difference.’
2. When it comes to playing out fantasies, ‘Don’t worry if you laugh’just keep going. Lust will usually overtake the laughter.’ Some classic scenarios: doctor and nurse (he doesn’t have to play the doc), rockstar and groupie, cheerleader and football player, and deflowering a virgin.
3. One of the rules for kinky sex: ‘Talk through exactly what will happen, being as specific as possible, so there are no surprises.’
4. Try tantra‘slow and sensual sex. ‘It encourages couples to stop being time- or orgasm-focused.’
5. Tease without using your hands. ‘Most of us have a tendency to turn into lazy long-term lovers, often relying on one particular way to turn each other on… up the oral quotient by using lips, teeth and tongue.’
6. ‘Remember when you couldn’t wait to be in private so you could rip each other’s clothes off? The minute you walk inside grab them and flatten them against the wall…’
7. Encourage eating in bed. Instead of crackers, ‘choose bite-sized finger foods that look, taste and feel sexy: strawberries, grapes, chocolate, oysters on ice and asparagus.’
For more sexy articles try
‘ Safe sex after 45
‘ Why men fall asleep after sex
‘ Vanilla sex: The best you’ve ever had?
And check out our relationships section for more tips on making your relationship even better.
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