7 tips for making super smoothies
Smoothie-making advice from a naturopathic doctor, plus a smoothie recipe packed with anti-aging ingredients

Source: The Hormone Diet; Random House Canada
1. Freeze your fruit’including your bananas and avocados (peeled and cut up in pieces prior to freezing) or add ice to your smoothie recipes to make them refreshing.
2. If using whey protein, blend the ingredients before adding your protein. This is recommended by manufacturers who say that whey protein is delicate and can be damaged by overblending.
3. I prefer the use of ground flaxseeds over flaxseed oil. However, the seeds do change the consistency of your smoothie. If you don’t like the flaxseeds, you may use 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil instead. Keep your ground flaxseeds or flaxseed oil in a tightly sealed container in the freezer. If your shake tastes ‘fishy,’ it is very likely your flaxseeds or flaxseed oil has gone rancid and they will need to be tossed out.
4. You may add water or ice to any smoothie recipe to thin it out. Do not add more juice or soy milk since it will increase the calorie content of your drink.
5. Add 2 tablespoons of lecithin to any smoothie to boost your memory and muscle-enhancing acetylcholine.
6. To increase the fibre content of your smoothies, add 1’2 tablespoons of wheat or oat bran.
7. Add 4 grams of 1-glutamine powder to any smoothie to enhance growth hormone, tissue healing and repair.
Anti-aging Smoothie
1 serving whey protein powder (vanilla)
1⁄2 cup raspberries
1⁄2 cup blueberries
1⁄2 cup sliced strawberries
1⁄4 cup blackberries
1 cup water
2 teaspoons flaxseed oil
Directions: Place all the ingredients (except the protein) in a blender and blend at high speed until smooth. Add whey protein and mix in by hand. Note: You may also use 11⁄2 cups of a frozen four-berry mixture instead of adding the four berries separately.
Nutrition Information: Calories 340 | Carbohydrates 30.4 g | Protein 26.9 g | Fat 11.87 g | Fibre 9.3 g
Natasha Turner, N. D., is a leading naturopathic doctor and an authority on hormonal and digestive concerns. She is the founder of Clear Medicine, a Canadian-based wellness boutique that provides integrated health care.
Excerpted from The Hormone Diet Copyright © 2009 by Natasha Turner, N.D.. Excerpted by permission of Random House Canada, a division of Random House of Canada Limited. All rights reserved.
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