5 websites and tools you’ll love
In every issue of Best Health, we collect some of the sites and tools that we’re loving and want to

In every issue of Best Health, we collect some of the sites and tools that we’re loving and want to share with you. Below are our picks from the September issue. Check them out, then share your favourites with us in the comments.
Look Great: Spa search
You just got a last-minute invite and you need to get your nails done quick! Go to wayspa.com, search ‘manicure’ and get a selection of options. Also, plan your next girls’ weekend using the listings of destination spas around the world. Book appointments online, too, or buy gift certificates for a friend.
Lisa Hannam, associate editor
Get Healthy: Baby on board?
Along with pregnancy come lots of questions. Get straightforward answers at babycenter.ca. The site organizes articles into the different stages of pregnancy through to parenting a three-year-old. There is a weekly email feature that tells you how your baby is developing’with pics to show growth rates, too!
Stephanie Han, art director
Eat Well: Compare fast-food calories
Have a craving? Before you give in, be sure you’re making a smart choice: Check out
acaloriecounter.com/fast-food.php. This site lists the best and worst french fries, hamburgers, pizzas and more by calories, fat, carbs and sodium. Its simplicity and easy-to-follow chart format make it worth bookmarking.
Jennifer Walker, senior content editor
Embrace Life: Play a word game
Have fun, learn new words and raise money for the UN World Food Program at freerice.com. Multiple-choice questions are tailored to your vocabulary level, whether you’re new to English or a wordsmith, and with every correct word, sponsors pay for 10 grains of rice.
Margaret Nearing, senior editor
Mobile: Never forget the milk again
A cool lists app from zenbe.com will help you create a shopping list right on your smartphone. And here’s the best part: You can sync the list with your partner’s phone, too. That means when you add or remove items from your list (for example, you just realized you need milk), his list is instantly updated.
Kat Tancock, web editor
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