5 essential kitchen tools
What tool do the experts use to keep their kitchens churning out healthy eats? We asked the finalists of the 2011 Best Health Blog Awards for their picks

Source: Web exclusive, June 2011
“The kitchen appliance I couldn’t live without is my Vitamix blender. I use it several times a week to make Green Monsters, sauces, dips and soups. It never fails me!”
‘ Angela Liddon, ohsheglows.com
“This question really stumped me. At first, I thought it had to be my old-school Cuisinart food processor, because I use it all the time to make things like hummus, pesto, curry pastes, pastry, etc. But then I realized that I use the Cuisinart most often in my cooking classes. At home, I can’t live without my Kitchen-Aid stand mixer. I use it every week to make my kids’ lunchbox snacks and Friday-night pizza dough, and rely on it for all special occasions (special desserts, seasonal baking, homemade pasta…)
“But then… what about my immersion blender, that little miracle worker? Soups, smoothies, etc., etc. Grrrrrr this is such a tough question!
“Ok, ok, I think I will go with the food processor, because it does things that are next to impossible to do by hand (e.g., makes excellent pastes and purees), and it can also make bread dough, whip cream, make pastry, cut butter into biscuit dough, make salad dressing, grind rolled grains and a million other little helpful things. And with the attachments, I can grate and slice things in no time flat. Even though I use the stand mixer a little more frequently at home, everything I do with it I can do, more or less easily, by hand.”
‘ Heidi Fink, chefheidifink.com/blog
“The kitchen appliance I can’t live without is my George Foreman Grill. I use it all the time to grill chicken, tofu, vegetables and even fruit. And it’s easy to do up a personal-sized amount‘a couple slices of zucchini, onion, tofu and pineapple done up on the grill makes the perfect topping for a big salad.”
‘ Andrea Methot, foodnotfuss.com
“I’m not really an appliance person. I rarely use my blender and have never used my Kitchen-Aid mixer. I guess I’m kind of old school. I think the thing I like best in the kitchen is music. Or NPR. I spend a lot of time in the kitchen and it’s important to me that it not feel like a total chore. And music, or a great bit of reporting, makes it that much more fun.”
‘ Ceri Marsh, sweetpotatochronicles.com
“That would have to be the Vitamix Blender‘it really helps blend things up super smooth and makes delicious healthy smoothies, dips, and so much more in no time at all. I think it’s essential for busy on-the-go nutritionistas like myself.”
‘ Meghan Telpner, meghantelpnerblog.com