3 exercises to strengthen weak knees
Women, especially, should work on strengthening their hip, glute and hamstring muscles to counter alignment imbalances that put strain on the knees. Try to do these exercises every day for stronger knees

Lie on your back with knees bent, arms resting at your sides. Slowly raise your pelvis toward the ceiling, keeping head, arms and shoulders on the ground. Keep your back straight as you rise. Hold for 20 seconds; release. Return to start position. Repeat 10 times; do two to three sets.
Strengthens: Abs, hips, glutes and hamstring muscles.
Side leg lift
Lie on your right side and prop yourself up on your right forearm. Raise your left leg straight up as high as you can, keeping your leg straight. Lower. Do 10 leg lifts for each side; do two to three sets.
Strengthens: Hips and glutes.
Donkey kicks
Get on your hands and knees on a cushy mat. Slowly push your right leg backwards, keeping your knee bent, until thigh is in a straight line with your body; your foot should be flexed and parallel to the ceiling. Your back should remain still and your spine in a neutral position throughout the movement of your leg. Lower leg back to start position. Repeat 10 times on each side; do two to three sets.
Strengthens: Hips, glutes and hamstring muscles.
This article was originally titled "Prevention exercises" in the September 2014 issue of Best Health. Subscribe today to get the full Best Health experience’and never miss an issue!