Stay safe when you’re running
A couple of recent stories have made me extra conscious of running safety. First, there was the recent murder in

A couple of recent stories have made me extra conscious of running safety. First, there was the recent murder in Vancouver of Wendy Ladner-Beaudry, which I think shocked the local running community. And there’s an interview in today’s New York Times with Trisha Meili, better known as the Central Park Jogger, who was attacked 20 years ago today.
I don’t bring these up to get everyone worried about running in parks, but rather to remind us all that there are a few simple precautions you can take to be safer. Here are some safety tips from the Vancouver police department:
‘ Make sure you know your route
‘ Avoid wooded areas at night, and stay to well-lit areas
‘ Try to run facing oncoming traffic and wear reflective clothing
‘ Personal stereos such as iPods make it hard to be fully aware of your surroundings so try not to use them, especially at night
I would add the following, as well:
‘ If wearing headphones, keep the volume low enough that you can hear traffic and other noises
‘ Carry photo ID and some cash, just in case
‘ Pay attention to your surroundings’don’t zone out so much that you aren’t aware of what’s around you
‘ When running at night or in less-populated areas, try to run with a friend or a group for extra safety
What are your tips for staying safe while running?
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