“It works for me!” – Heather Doerksen
When Canadian actress Heather Doerksen switched her university major from science to theatre, she couldn’t have predicted just how successful

When Canadian actress Heather Doerksen switched her university major from science to theatre, she couldn’t have predicted just how successful she would become.
From roles on The L Word, Battlestar Galactica and Smallville to two major movies slated for release this year, her career has taken off – in some cases, quite literally (she plays a co-pilot in the upcoming sci-fi action adventure film Pacific Rim).
Learn a little bit more about her in this installment of "It works for me."
10 words that describe you: Playful, loyal, smart, dorky, responsible, childlike, witty, sensual, fun. I could only think of nine. I hope that doesn’t make me less of a person!
First paid job: Newspaper delivery followed closely by babysitting
Dream job: Exactly what I do. If I couldn’t do that, I would love to be a chef.
Favourite workout: Yoga and Yaletown Barre Fitness. I also walk everywhere, as much as I can.
Least favourite workout: Running
Diet: Lots of water, veggies, quinoa, chicken and eggs. I try to eat free range, organic, and locally grown food as much as possible. I don’t deny myself if I’m craving something (cheese, coffee, chocolate, butter), but I eat it in moderation, and I’ve also conditioned myself to crave healthy snacks.
Go-to healthy snack: Kale chips, roasted chick peas or air popped popcorn.
Favourite food indulgence: Salt and Pepper Kettle Chips dipped into non-fat plain Greek yogurt. And Lindt sea salt dark chocolate. Yum. Just yum.
Wine or beer? If it’s a cold winter evening, red wine. If it’s a hot summer day, cold beer or chilled white wine.
Coffee or tea? Coffee with greasy diner breakfasts. Green tea for afternoons (or if I’m training for a project, like Pacific Rim).
Indoor or outdoor workouts? Typically indoor.
Morning or evening workouts? Morning. Then I have the rest of the day free.
Celeb crush: Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz. Hottest couple ever.
Dream travel destination: Greece. I’ve been before. It’s the birthplace of theatre, and the food is incredible – so fresh! I went to the Epidaurus Theatre, built in 4th Century BC, and saw a play there with 12,000 other audience members. It was absolutely awe-inspiring. Goosebumps.
Healthy living philosophy: I try to exercise at least four times a week, but don’t get upset with myself if I can’t. I try to eat healthy, but let it go if I don’t. It’s about forgiveness, but also holding myself accountable to the goals I’ve set. Oh, and I dance. I dance as much as I can.
-by Katharine Watts, Image: Farrah Aviva Photography